
A writing workshop is an exercise in taking turns.  A writer shares copies of a piece she is working on with the members of her group, reads her text aloud, and then quietly takes notes as her readers offer their impressions and advice. After all of her readers have responded to her draft, the writer may then ask them questions and the group can have a less structured conversation about her work. Then the group moves on to the next writer and his piece—and the process is repeated until everyone in the group has gotten feedback to their writing.

Here is a script to follow as you get started:

  • Bring copies of your piece to the workshop (or circulate them beforehand).
  • Tell your readers the kinds of feedback you’d most like get to your writing, or any questions or concerns you may have about your piece.
  • Read your piece (or sections of it) aloud.
  • Listen quietly and take notes on the responses of your readers.
  • Ask questions after all the readers have responded to your work.
  • Collect the annotated copies of your text from your readers.


Before reading

Take notes on any issues or questions raised by the writer or your teacher.

While reading

Read along with the writer with a pen in your hand.

  • Mark effective passages with a straight line.
  • Mark passages you want to ask questions about with a squiggly line.
  • Circle keywords or ideas.

After reading

Once the writer finishes reading, take a minute to jot down some notes on:

  • What works best in this draft (or section).
  • What the writer most needs to work on next in revising.
  • Any issues or questions raised by the writer or your teacher.

Draw on your notes to offer the writer advice towards revision. If you’ve already responded in writing to this draft, try to add to rather simply repeat your written comments. Similarly, try to build on or respond to the observations of  other group members.

Once all of the readers have had their say, the writer may ask the group questions about either their comments or aspects of the writing that they haven’t yet discussed. Before you move on to discuss the next piece, make sure to return your annotated (and signed) copy of her piece to the writer.

UD | Spring 2015 | #060 Tues/Thurs, 12:30-1:45 Purnell 329